Friday, September 28, 2012

Imperfect Progress- working hard to keep myself together

So, I have joined my first online bible study. It is based on the book "Unglued" by Lisa Terkeurst and although I don't like to admit it, I'm am pretty sure it was written just for me. The plus side of that is, although it makes me relive moments where I hurt my loved ones (moments I'd rather forget), it helps me change and stick to it. Our first Chapter was titled: An Invitation to Imperfect Progress. Imperfect progress is basically learning to be okay with baby steps- which are extremely hard to be okay with when you hold yourself to giant leap standards :). Lisa talks about forming new thought patterns and how perspective is key in this. How we need to trust God to turn all circumstances (even the tough ones) into good in our lives. It might not be right away ( once again, something I struggle with) but to trust Him that in His will come. As I sit right now I am sad that I let my "unglued" behavior persist this long but I am grateful for the book God has placed in my path and I look forward to making imperfect progress towards a more "held together" me. I don't mean looking like I'm held together either. I mean being held together from the inside out. So, today my beautiful imperfection is that I'm going to be okay with imperfect progress, I'm going to delight in my steps because, however little they may be, they are steps which means I am no longer STUCK! And being "unstuck" is a great place to be. :)


  1. Jeenifer ~ Beautiful! WElcome to study! I am sure you will love it! The best part about the little steps of imperfect progress is you are not doing this alone we are all with you...I too feel like Lysa wrote this book about me! I love your blog..keeping you in my prayers for imperfect progress! Have a Blessed day
    Lauren Beach (OBS Small Group Leader)

  2. I loved your blog. Thank you for sharing it with us. I too am looking forward to being consumed from the inside out. Imperfect progress is the goal. Blessings
